有效期至长期有效 | 最后更新2022-05-09 12:35 | |
型号1936-R | 通道数量1 | 计算机接口USB and RS-232 |
浏览次数326 |
• 业界最先进的光功率计和能量计
• 各种测量单位
• 适用于高速调制光测量
• 数据采样频率高达10 kHz,采样数据保存在单板存储器中
• 五种模拟和五种数字滤波器设置
• 5种模拟和5种数字滤波设置
• 具有用于同步测量的输入和输出触发功能
• 测试和实验室应用中的先进自动化功能
型号 |
1936-R |
2936-R |
通道数量 |
1 |
2 |
计算机接口 |
USB and RS-232 |
USB and RS-232 |
采样频率 |
250 kHz (10 kHz accessible by user) |
250 kHz (10 kHz accessible by user) |
数据存储 |
250,000 Point Internal Storage |
250,000 Point Internal Storage |
模拟输出 |
0-1 V, 0-2 V, 0-5 V or 0-10 V (user selectable output impedance) |
0-1 V, 0-2 V, 0-5 V or 0-10 V (user selectable output impedance) |
带宽 |
Up to 500 kHz (Photodiode), Up to 1.9 MHz (Thermopile or Pyroelectric) depending on Range |
Up to 500 kHz (Photodiode), Up to 1.9 MHz (Thermopile or Pyroelectric), depending on Range |
精度 |
±0.2 % for CW, ±1 % for Peak to Peak, Pulse to Pulse, and Integration Mode |
±0.2 % for CW, ±1 % for Peak to Peak, Pulse to Pulse, and Integration Mode |
探测器输入 |
Up to 25 mA for photodiode, 130 V for thermopile and pyroelectric detectors |
Up to 25 mA for photodiode, 130 V for thermopile and pyroelectric detectors |
显示模式 |
20 mm Numeric, Bar Chart, Min/Max Bar, Statistics, Analog Needle |
20 mm Numeric, Bar Chart, Min/Max Bar, Statistics, Analog Needle |
显示类型 |
5.7 in. Graphical TFT LCD, ¼ VGA |
5.7 in. Graphical TFT LCD, ¼ VGA |
显示器刷新频率 |
20 Hz |
20 Hz |
光电二极管测量 |
Average Power, Peak-to-Peak Power, Frequency |
Average Power, Peak-to-Peak Power, Frequency |
热电堆测量 |
Average Power, Single Shot Energy |
Average Power, Single Shot Energy |
频率测量范围 |
1 Hz - 250 kHz |
1 Hz - 250 kHz |
测量速率 |
Up to 10 kHz pulses for pyroelectric, Up to 20 kHz for photodiode (peak to peak measurement) |
Up to 10 kHz pulses for pyroelectric, Up to 20 kHz for photodiode (peak to peak measurement) |
增益范围 |
8 ranges, 7 decades |
8 ranges, 7 decades |
分辨率 |
0.0004% of Range Full Scale |
0.0004% of Range Full Scale |
电源要求 |
90-240 VAC |
90-240 VAC |
尺寸 |
308 x 216 x 133 mm |
308 x 216 x 133 mm |
重量 |
5.1 kg |
5.6 kg |
工作温度 |
5 to 40°C, <70% RH |
5 to 40°C, <70% RH |
CE |
Compliant |
Compliant |
918D 高性能光电二极管传感器
818-xx/DB 低功率校准的光电二极管传感器
818 光纤探测器
819C/819D 校准积分球传感器
918D 基于积分球的光纤探测器
919P 热电堆传感器